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Hell Butterfly

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taking Survey No. 1

Took me ages to get this thing up, huh? Think this was from Hong Yang...

Starting time: 10.47pm
Name: What do you think?
Shoe size: Eh… I forgot… I always forget such things.
What are you wearing right now?: Orange t-shirt and Bermudas.
Where do you live?: Not telling, in case people come and rob my house. :P
Favourite number/s: 2, 5, 8, 28
Favourite drinks: Plain water, lemonade
Favourite months: January, April, June, August, November, December

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Have You Ever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Been in a bath tub: Yup.
Swim in the ocean: Not really.
Fallen asleep in school: Almost never.
Broken someone's heart: Not very sure, but probably so.
Fell off your chair: Once… when watching this really funny show. (Can’t remember what, though)
Saved e-mails: Yup, those really nice and worth remembering ones.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your room like: Right now, it’s bearable, because I just tidied it.
Whats right beside you?: My wardrobe, and my bed.
What is the last thing you ate?: Papaya.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ever Had~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chicken Pox: Can’t really remember.
Sore throat: Loads of times.
Stitches: Eh… not sure what they are… don’t think so.
Broken nose: Nope, and would never want it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Do You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Believe in love at first sight?: Yeah, I suppose.

Who was the last person you danced with?: Elaine Lai, during Orientation, I guess.
Who last made you smile?: My mum.
Who did you last yell at?: Can’t really remember. My mum?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Final Question~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hate someone in your family?: Eh… shan’t tell you.
Diamond or pearl?: Hard to choose… Pearl, I guess… it’s more purish-looking.
Are you the Eldest?: Nope. Only child here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Today did you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Talk to someone you like?: Yeah, my mum. Haha.
Kiss anyone?: Nah.
Get sick?: Wanted to, but couldn’t.
Talked to an ex?: No ex.
Miss someone: Yes. My former tuition teacher.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last person who~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You talked on the phone?: My mum.
Have a crush on someone?: If you count Tsuyoshi… haha. Kidding.
What books are you reading right now?: New Moon - Stephanie Meyer.
Best feeling in the world: Shiawase.
Future kids name: Used to want to use 叶月 or 文月 for Chinese name, during my FmwS obsession, but I think it’s kinda outdated. Haha. Not sure about English names…
Do you Sleep with stuffed animals?: No.
Whats under your bed?: Dust particles.
Favourite Locations: Orchard, HMV, Kinokuniya, Westmall, Poh Kim, Action City, Kbox/PartyWorld, Home.
Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?: No
Who do you really hate?: Used to hate someone seriously, but now not really.
Ever like someone you didn't have a chance with?: Does Tsuyoshi count? Haha.
You lonely right now?: Not at all.
What time is it now?: 11.04pm.


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