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Hell Butterfly

Friday, May 28, 2010


I went to the NTU interaction session today. :) Haha. I thought there'd be a lot of people, but there were really few people, but it's a really fun experience. And I was so nervous before I went. Haha.

It's like some sort of gathering, and all the seniors were so fun! ^^ We ate at this Japanese ramen restaurant Kyo-nichi, and we kept on chatting and all that. It's so casual, and that's what made me like it a lot. There was this computer engineering senior that I got along really well with. I found loads of things in common with her. She's really friendly too. :) And many of them like Japan too! One of them went to Japan 3 times already, and is studying Japanese! So envious. Haha... And we were all fangirling over Hana Kimi and Toma! ><>///< Kyaaa... and there were loads of other dramas and animes that they like too. :)

Why do Computer Engineering people like anime? Haha.

And I'm a rare gem in Computer Engineering, because the majority will be guys. Haha. I kinda expected that. It's so fun talking to all of them. Haha. Very enjoyable, and they are all such nice people. So happy. ^^

So basically our interaction session isn't really much about NTU (I did ask about some stuff, and my senior told me loads of helpful things.), it's mainly a casual chat session about lots of topics in our lives to get to know each other. Hehe. Great day. We really talked about a lot of stuff.

Everyone should go and read Fairy Tail. This is so random, but I will be promoting this manga everywhere from now on. Haha. I just love it so much. In my opinion, it's one of the best manga I've ever read. Oh wait, no, it's the best. THE BEST. I feel like re-reading it now...

I'm reading Groove Adventure Rave (same manga artist) now, at an extremely slow pace, for some reason. I dunno why, but it doesn't seem as nice as Fairy Tail. I'm just not addicted. But I will continue reading. Maybe it's the characters... I practically love almost all the characters in Fairy Tail (I love all the members in the Fairy Tail guild...)... I just dislike the evil ones, but not extremely hate... All the characters are just so interesting... they should all become real... ><

Fairy Tail is freaking awesome... AWESOME, I tell you. So read it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am tired. Everyday. I do not know why. But I am tired. Sad.

Ahhhhh... I can't wait for July to come.

I accepted NTU... but somehow I have a feeling that I haven't accepted yet. The confirmation page was... kinda informal? And they haven't sent any forms or whatever here yet.

Yay, I finished "And then There were None" by Agatha Christie last Sunday. Spent the whole day lying on the bed reading that. 10 people go to an island, and then one by one, all 10 people died on the island. So who killed them? It's actually quite brilliant... I didn't know who the murderer was, and it was really baffling. But when the truth is out, and there were hints pointing to the murderer, it's actually quite obvious. I like how Agatha Christie can introduce 10 people into the story and be able to describe all 10's personalities with detail. I could remember who was who and their names and personalities and all that. And the fact that the deaths happened quite fast that before I realise it, there were only 3 people left. Also, none of it was boring. :) I shall go and borrow more Agatha Christie books next time. I love classic mystery novels.

Reading the book Tan Min lent me. Last Seen Alive. Compared to Agatha Christie, I think it's more scary and dark. Haha. I haven't really read much of it yet, so shall continue reading now.

I'm also reading manga. Currently I am so addicted to Fairy Tail. Just when I wanted to read the next chapter (Chapter 185, I think), there's no more! T_T It's not out yet. Gah... I shouldn't have read so fast. I read around 30 chapters a day, I think. I don't think that's fast though. I'm sure people can read all 184 chapters in one day. But that just spoils all the fun.

Now I shall go read Rave while waiting for the next chapter to come out. At least Rave is completed. But there are too few chapters. I was hoping for 700 chapters like Detective Conan. Or maybe 500. Haha. Asking too much?

Everyone should go read Fairy Tail. It's so interesting and very touching... for a shounen manga. I think it's the best shounen manga now. Haha. I've decided to give up on Bleach, because they kept using the same villian. Aizen Sousuke. And he keeps getting stronger. I don't like seeing the same evil face for 100 chapters or so. And then I see everyone team up and still not be able to fight Aizen. Gosh. I hate him.

So yeah, Fairy Tail is much much better, because they don't use the same villian throughout. And sometimes they turn the villians into good people, so I end up liking them. :)

Oh my gosh, I'm slacking. I should get back to work.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I am still reading the early chapters of And then There were None. So slow, aren't I? I'm only reading 1 chapter a day... but the story is really interesting. So far 2 people died. 8 more to go. Maybe 1 of them will fake their death, but he's actually the real murderer? Haha. Feel like reading more. What a great book. :)

I bought Bloody Monday volume 1 yesterday. I hadn't bought a manga in ages. I thought I could buy it to get myself interested in watching the drama. I have only just randomly flipped through a few pages, and now I don't think I want to watch the drama at all. ><

It looks gross... and freaky. I thought it was a computer virus. Apparently the computer virus can kill people. It's like they have some kind of disease and keeps dying and all. It's probably the Death Note kind of story, but the people can loads of lumps on their faces before dying. Ewww... and then there's the cute boy who was playing happily and then suddenly started bleeding all over and vomited blood and died. >< Eww. I can't imagine all that in live action, and do not want to see it. Should have bought Gintama instead. *sigh*

Things are getting more and more hectic now. I think I have really poor memory. I want Saturday to come soon! Haha.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Japanese people have excellent service!!!!! >< Haha... I am so excited over that. ^^

I had to book all those hotels, and their website didn't show the triple room slot even though they wrote that they have. So my mum suggested I call them. *freaks out* I was so scared that I could not understand their English or something, but they spoke excellent English. For the first hotel I called, the woman spoke perfect English, and I could understand it really well. All the pronunciation was correct! I was thinking maybe that person wasn't a Japanese, but she spoke fluent Japanese when it connected initially. Wahhhh... ><

She was really patient, and whenever I asked a question that required her going off and checking it, she did it really politely, and her voice showed no signs of annoyance. I think I had her check stuff 3 times. Gomen ne... And I asked loads of questions, but she answered them really well, and I got all the information I needed. So I booked that hotel, and it was below my budget too. Hehe. :) After that call, I was so excited that I spoke to a Japanese! But her name doesn't seem to be Japanese, for some reason. Dunno why. Maybe she wasn't? :/

I didn't check my email properly, so I had to call another hotel. *freaks out again* In the end, it turned out that they had sent the email, so there was an awkward silence? Haha... But the man spoke well English too. So I opened the mail, and he asked me for some information to fill up (he sorta assumed I already booked), and then he provided loads of details of the hotel, about the tourist attractions near it, how to get to there, and how to get from the station to the hotel. He even attached the subway route, the map in English and map in Japanese. Then he gave directions from the station on foot (which are extremely detailed), and also if I want to take a taxi (which is kinda impossible for me), the total cost from the station, and just show the Japanese map to the taxi driver and he will know how to go. XD >///< Isn't that such great service?

And I feel like I could ask as many questions as possible and still not be embarrassed or think that it will trouble them a lot... they are so patient and so nice. And when I emailed them, their reply was almost immediate. :)

Gah... I can't wait for my Japan trip to come..... XD

Something on the Arashi side... Monster PV is out! And it was AWESOME. I could watch it more than 10 times and still love every single part of it. Everyone looks so good... except maybe Nino's hairstyle... Why didn't they keep his hairstyle in the live? Aiba was sooooo unexpectantly hot in that hairstyle (he should always keep black hair.), I can't help staring at him... and how can he look so good in a skirt?! What the heck. Aiba is so hot and pretty at the same time. *fantasizes* And everyone else looks so good too... Ohno... *melts in his dance* sigh... I don't need to say anymore...

And the song was great. It is so different from normal songs... it's just... so different. Wow, it's so good. And they look so cool. Arashi exploring different styles is great. I almost forgot they're almost 30 years old. Why does Aiba look hot in every close-up? Kyaaa... >///<

I shall go to Japan and take photos of all the Arashi posters on the walls and subway stations. Mwahahahaha.

Okay, I shall go to watch the pv again. Possibly one of the best.

Friday, May 14, 2010


It is so difficult to plan for my Tokyo trip. I didn't know it was that hard until I started planning for it. I had to start from scratch... listing the places I wanted to go in Tokyo in 10 days (which was more than 20, so I had to eliminate some...), and looking at the which train to take (oh my gosh, you should see their subway routes. It is SO complicated. But it brings you to every single place you wanna go. Every tourist attraction seems to be near a station. Which is good.) and booking the hotels.

I find booking hotels the hardest of all. I had to look for a triple room, and Tokyo hotels, unfortunately, rarely have triple rooms, because most of their rooms are tiny. And those that have triple rooms are extremely expensive and high class. It has to be near the station too. Argh. I tried searching for budget hotels, and it was so hard to find a room that was below $200 per night. Gah... so expensive. I will book the hotels by this saturday. ><><)

But still, I am really excited about the trip. Yay! I finally get to go to Japan. :) We're gonna visit the main tourist attractions, the shrines, the Tokyo tower, the shopping districts, parks, etc. No Tokyo Disneyland though, since we've been to the Florida's DisneyWorld, and it's probably the same. Plus, the narrations would all be in Japanese, and it'd be hard to understand.

And then we will be spending 1 night at Hakone, where we might see Mt. Fuji. My current worry is whether we would be able to see Mt. Fuji with all the clouds in the summer sky, and whether all the snow on the peak would have melted, so it wouldn't look as nice.

Other worries include whether it would be super crowded because July is basically every single country (especially America and Australia, I think)'s school holiday. Possibly the whole world would be in Japan at that time. >< I expect the trains be packed like sardines in the morning and evening during peak hours.

Too bad we could not go to Osaka and Kyoto, because there are just too many things to do in Tokyo. Maybe next time, in centuries later.

Hope it will be a pleasant and memorable trip. Can't wait for July to come.