It's Me

Lian Hua Pri
Nan Hua High
Jurong JC OG11 08S20
Choir -0-


Sims 2: Bon Voyage
The Neverhood game
Sims 3
KinKi Kids poster
EndlicherixEndlicheri album
Mr. Children album
NewS/KinKi Kids concert in S'pore
To learn Japanese
Good grades for A-levels



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Hell Butterfly

Friday, November 28, 2008


I'm so happy... I was playing facebook for a while... the Geo Challenge thing, and I hit a new high score!!! Haha... got me so excited...

Okay, I've been slacking and rotting and trying to get all those holiday homework done nowadays... No more of Physics tuition till the end of the month... I'm a bit sad, because I hoped he'd do more on Electric Field... wah... I finally got the hang of it after my mum explained it to me and all... oh well... haha. I like Electric Field!!!! >< Haha... okay, call me weird.

Choir is alright nowadays... had a one-to-one talk with my instructor. Quite serious... ahhhh... nervous too. Haha. But now I know how to tackle my problems... oookay, I sound so serious.

Went to Xin Xue's house on Tuesday... She introduced to me some more cool dramas this season... we watched Ryusei no Kizuna together... and I fell in love with it! It's a wonderful, great drama, with wonderful wonderful actors and actresses! Nino!!!! And it has the most beautiful music ever... >///< *gets hyper* Anyways, we found out we both like Arashi a lot... (I just started liking them thanks to some of their dramas... and Nino.) And we were talking about how we liked all of them, except Aiba because we're not familiar with him, so he became "just another member of Arashi". Poor Aiba... next time I might check out his variety shows.

And I'm starting to like Ohno more than MatsuJun... Oh no!!! XD

Oh, and I made this Tsuyoshi wallpaper... with paint (it's a very simple wallpaper)'s my desktop wallpaper now... I couldn't find one KinKi Kids wallpaper I liked, so I made one... haha... everytime I see the wallpaper, I get so happy... XD (Because Tsuyoshi wa mecha kawaii yo...)

Okay... before I go into super hyper mode, I better stop blogging. Need to go do homework... homework... homework... must do....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Day...

I'm running out of dramas to watch... probably gonna continue watching 33pun Tantei... By dramas, I meant "only Koichi/Tsuyoshi dramas"... because I'm in no mood to watch any other drama that KinKi Kids do not appear in...

Listening to "Blue Night Wind" by KinKi Kids... (that's how I translate it to be...) Gonna listen to all the KK songs nowadays...

Kyou-kun came today... long time no see... haha... recommended her loads of dramas... introduced her to KinKi Kids... and lent her Liar Game!!! Haha... and we watched some videos... didn't have time to show her more of Domoto Kyoudai funny scenes, but showed her the NewS one... and now she's in love with Tegoshi!!!!! *happy*

I've watched the Sushi Oji movie!!! It's quite a good movie! I'd say I liked it better than Kurosagi movie... but how dare they do that to Kawataro... This is such a hilarious and serious movie at the same time...

Got a new haircut... because my hair is super thick... looks a bit different now... and the hairdresser cut my hair until I can't really tie it that much... haha... oh well.

Ahhh... the weekend's ending... noooooooo.... tuition tomorrow... the last lesson of the year.

Gotta go now... nothing to write nowadays... bye.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Freedom at last!!!! OP is over!!!! This is such a great day!!!! Haha...

OP was quite alright... but I screwed up on my Q&A... oh well... I don't care anymore... as long as I can do well for the presentation part... The two teachers seem very nice. The Physics teacher kept on nodding throughout everyone's presentations. Seems like he's paying attention a lot. He seems like a nice teacher...

Got back promos results... promoted overall... but the "advanced" sounds so much nicer than the "promoted"... but it means "conditionally promoted"... they always have names that sound so nice, but is really describing something not so nice.... Like "Star", which means "Students at risk"... and "US" program is for students with "U" and "S" grades... err....

Actually went out to eat with my pw group at macdonald's. But I didn't eat much... just drank ice milo... They're all seriously lame... said a lot of funny things... which are... err... lame. Haha...

I came back and did not know what drama to watch today.... I did not dare to watch "Maou", like what Amirah suggested... because it was too freaky... and "Rookies"... well, not interested in baseball... and Shirota Yuu... I wanted to watch some action dramas like mystery and crime dramas with Domoto Koichi or Domoto Tsuyoshi inside... but turns out that I've watched all of them... argh... I wanna watch more of Koichi....

So I went back and watched "Remote" again... but I've stopped... I've finished "Rookie!" (that's how it's written...) already... the ending was sooooooooo satisfying, with a surprise appearance from a certain person... haha! I was so surprised, and so happy about it! Got excited for that few minutes...

Hmm... should I watch "Rookie!" again? I feel like it... even though I've finished it yesterday...

Well, now that I'm free... there's loads of things to do!!!! I can go and learn Japanese now!!! Haha... and write random stuff all I want... and draw whatever crazy doodles when I feel like it... and read as many novels as possible... and sing and dance around all hyper.

*calms down*... okay, should stop... you know, I'm always hyper when it comes to writing... haha... there... another lengthy post... should stop this habit of ranting too much...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Changed the blogskin... and finally starting to blog... I'll blog more often after OP is done...

Tomorrow will be the worst and best day ever... mainly because OP will be done tomorrow... but OP itself is pretty frightening... especially the Q&A section... but I've sort of decided to give up on that 10% part... if I really can't answer, then... oh well... forget it. Will do my best on the presentation...

After that will also know my overall grades... whether I can promote or not... hope I can... it's really scary if I can't.

My mum came back from China... she bought a lot of stuff... the 3 Japanese related magazines!!! Paradise... haha... Everytime I see them, I began grinning foolishly... haha. I've become an avid fan of KinKi Kids. Great songs, great looks, great personalities... haha. They're occupying my mind nowadays... *gets hyper*

I'm slacking nowadays... watching jdramas. Recently, I'm watching this drama called "Rookie"... not "Rookies"... not the baseball one, but rather the police one. Haha. Domoto Koichi is acting as a rookie police officer who always tries his best... some episodes are pretty touching. I'm nearing the end, so hope to get a good ending. "Remote"'s ending was really... disappointing.

Hopefully tomorrow passes fast.... so I can celebrate immediately!!! Haha... wish me good luck for OP!!!! >_< I'm getting nervous now....