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Lian Hua Pri
Nan Hua High
Jurong JC OG11 08S20
Choir -0-


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The Neverhood game
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KinKi Kids poster
EndlicherixEndlicheri album
Mr. Children album
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Hell Butterfly

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taking Survey No. 2

Tagged by Amirah... Anyways, I like doing these kind of surveys, so if anyone has any more, send me please... ^^

1. The person who tagged you is?

2. Your relationship with him/her?
Friend, classmate... both fans of Japanese stuff.

3. Your 5 impressions of he/she?
Enthusiastic, hardworking, sporty, great smile, queen of lame jokes.

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you.
Waited for me until 6pm+ even though she was super tired.

5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you.
Hmm... Argh... can't really remember... Gomen. Short-term memory.

6. If he/she become ur lover, you will?
...that will never happen.

7. If he/she becomes your lover,thing he/she has to improve on will be?
Let's skip the "lover" part, but hmm... she would have to improve on looking less tired most of the time.

8. If he/she become your enemy, you will?
Be quite sad, because I've lost a friend.

9. If she/he dies , you will?
Cry... ><

10. What is it you want to tell he/she now?
Eh... why is it you like PE so much?!

11. Your overall impression of him/her is
Super enthusiastic over sports.

12. How do u think ppl around you will feel around you?
Hmm... they feel weird? Haha... I dunno.

13. the characters you love yourself are?
...I listen? I'm obedient? Not very sure.

14. On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?
Gosh, there're a lot... haha. Addicted to the internet too often. Don't like studying. Always procrastinates.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
Someone who says honestly what's on their mind with nothing to hide.

16. For people that you care and likes you, say something to them.
Thanks so much for making my life worthwhile and happy! :)

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
Hmm... I have not many people to send to... (so I'm picking random people from my group of friends) and I know Amirah's tagged some of the people here too, so up to you whether you want to do this thing or not.

1. Tan Min
2. Dionne
3. Dawn
4. Amirah (Haha... I sent it back to you, but it's up to you if you want to do it again or not.)
5. Han Lyn
6. Hong Yang
7. Jun Hui
8. Kyou-kun
9. Valarie
10. Amanda

18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
No idea.

19. Is no.9 a male or female?

20. If no.7 and no.10 are together, will that be a good thing?
No... it'd be weird. But we'll have Yoh-chan and Manta. (for those who knows Shaman King) Haha...

21. What is no.2 studying about?
Basically everything... intelligent girl.

22. What was the last time you had a chat wif no.3?Now when was that? During our gathering at Jurong Point at that time...

23. What kind of music band no.8 like?
Hmm... Actually I'm not too sure... American bands like Simple Plan?

24. Does no.1 have any sibling?
Yeah, 2 brothers...

25. Will woo no.3?
No way.

26. How about 7?

27. Is no.4 single?

28. What is the surname of no.5?

29. What is a hobby of no.10?
Hmm... not very updated with her, so I'm not really sure what she's up to now.

30. does no.5 and no.9 get along well?
They don't even know each other.

31. Where does no.2 studying at ?
My school.

32. Talk about something for no.1.
She's a very good friend. :) And a very intelligent one too.

33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?

34. Where does no.9 live?
Again, I'm not updated with her as well...

35. What colour does no.4 like?
Hmm... Blue? She's always been complaining about her things not blue enough. But of course, who knows, her taste might change.

36. Are no.1 and no.5 are best friend?
Again, they do not know each other.

37. Does no.1 have any pet?
Yes, I suppose so. And one from Pet Society too.

38. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
Ooh... I'm not sure about sexiest, but she is hot. Haha.

39. What is no.10 doin now?
Chatting with friends? Going online? Sms-ing? Again, I have no idea. I'm such a bad friend...

Turns out this whole survey is a kind of friend-tester. Evil Amirah. Haha... As you can see, I'm quite a bad friend who's clueless about lots of things... ><

Taking Survey No. 1

Took me ages to get this thing up, huh? Think this was from Hong Yang...

Starting time: 10.47pm
Name: What do you think?
Shoe size: Eh… I forgot… I always forget such things.
What are you wearing right now?: Orange t-shirt and Bermudas.
Where do you live?: Not telling, in case people come and rob my house. :P
Favourite number/s: 2, 5, 8, 28
Favourite drinks: Plain water, lemonade
Favourite months: January, April, June, August, November, December

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Have You Ever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Been in a bath tub: Yup.
Swim in the ocean: Not really.
Fallen asleep in school: Almost never.
Broken someone's heart: Not very sure, but probably so.
Fell off your chair: Once… when watching this really funny show. (Can’t remember what, though)
Saved e-mails: Yup, those really nice and worth remembering ones.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your room like: Right now, it’s bearable, because I just tidied it.
Whats right beside you?: My wardrobe, and my bed.
What is the last thing you ate?: Papaya.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ever Had~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chicken Pox: Can’t really remember.
Sore throat: Loads of times.
Stitches: Eh… not sure what they are… don’t think so.
Broken nose: Nope, and would never want it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Do You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Believe in love at first sight?: Yeah, I suppose.

Who was the last person you danced with?: Elaine Lai, during Orientation, I guess.
Who last made you smile?: My mum.
Who did you last yell at?: Can’t really remember. My mum?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Final Question~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hate someone in your family?: Eh… shan’t tell you.
Diamond or pearl?: Hard to choose… Pearl, I guess… it’s more purish-looking.
Are you the Eldest?: Nope. Only child here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Today did you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Talk to someone you like?: Yeah, my mum. Haha.
Kiss anyone?: Nah.
Get sick?: Wanted to, but couldn’t.
Talked to an ex?: No ex.
Miss someone: Yes. My former tuition teacher.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Last person who~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You talked on the phone?: My mum.
Have a crush on someone?: If you count Tsuyoshi… haha. Kidding.
What books are you reading right now?: New Moon - Stephanie Meyer.
Best feeling in the world: Shiawase.
Future kids name: Used to want to use 叶月 or 文月 for Chinese name, during my FmwS obsession, but I think it’s kinda outdated. Haha. Not sure about English names…
Do you Sleep with stuffed animals?: No.
Whats under your bed?: Dust particles.
Favourite Locations: Orchard, HMV, Kinokuniya, Westmall, Poh Kim, Action City, Kbox/PartyWorld, Home.
Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?: No
Who do you really hate?: Used to hate someone seriously, but now not really.
Ever like someone you didn't have a chance with?: Does Tsuyoshi count? Haha.
You lonely right now?: Not at all.
What time is it now?: 11.04pm.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

School and Twilight

School starts pretty ordinary, because most of the teachers did not change, and all my classmates did not change. I suppose I like it this way... This year is very important, so I will definitely need to pay loads of attention in lectures and tutorials, no matter how dry it gets. But I'm already failing to do so during Econs and Chem. Sad.

We changed seats to right up front in physics lecture, which I'm very happy about, because it helps me pay better attention, and the lecture slides' fonts are larger that way. For Math, we're stuck in LT1 for the rest of the school year, with the same table, so if you're unlucky to get a broken table, good luck. And you'll also feel crammed up for the whole year, because the whole of the lecture hall is filled entirely with students... so there's no space at all. Sad.

There's been a Twilight craze nowadays, especially in my class... I must say the movie was alright to me, but the book was awesome. I'm still reading New Moon now, slowly and painfully, because it gets a little boring in the middle section... But the first book was really awesome... there's not a single boring part in there... at least not to me... and to think that these entire series began from a woman's dream... It's just amazing.

Okay, I shall stop right here... There's nothing much to write now. To my classmates, good luck for the monday Chem test and tuesday Math test!!! And an early happy birthday to Dionne, in case I won't blog for the next few days!!!

P.S. The next Domoto Kyoudai will feature Shida Mirai as the special guest... I'm so looking forward to it!!! ><

Friday, January 2, 2009

A little late, but oh well.

It's 2 January now, but anyways I'll do a short little reflection of the past year. Haha...

Year 2008 has been an especially fruitful year for me... loads of challenges and many first-times. It's probably one of my most memorable years ever. And this year passed by so quickly. Everything kinda happened in flashes... there are things that happened which were lucky to me, and things that were unlucky, but overall, it was a very challenging year, I suppose.

Loads of unexpected changes happened this year, and most of them in the form of challenges. Well, there was the first impression of JJ through the 01 orientation camp... I had a great time with my OG, which was really bonded together. And as the months go by, I have a CCA, got into a PW group, had my first choir performance where I actually had one little solo (which needed me to gather a lot of courage), had many interaction with different people, was a little more able to speak without getting too nervous in front of people, and I must say I learnt a lot this year.

Well, this year has ended, but looking back, it was a good year. Let's hope this new year will be a better year than the last. I know there are 2 Japanese movies to look forward to, but still, the most important of all, is the A-levels. Hope I can do well for it.... jiayou to myself and everyone else out there.

Okay, that ends my not-too-short, not-too-long reflection of the past year. Haha. See you all, and have fun everyone! :)

P.S. Domoto Koichi's birthday yesterday... though I've said it for about a million times, Happy Belated Birthday to him... Haha... Oh well, hope he had a nice birthday.